Thursday, December 22, 2016

Where no Paper Plane has Gone Before

    This week the girls were flying paper planes off the landing and I told them to stop because one was going to get caught in the chandelier.  Indeed my words were prophetic.  Fortunately I was able to extricate it with my eight foot ladder and my grabber.  Here are some other pictures I freed from my phone documenting the random happenings of the month, and maybe a little from last month.

Who could guess this would happen in a million years.

Emery happily blow drying Harper's hair.

Luke and Emery on my bed like they own place.

Emery pretending these wrapping paper tubes are her robotic arms.

Luke and Emery in their Amazon box boat.

Luke and Zander eyeing each other right before Luke decides the step isn't big enough for the two of them and pushes Zander off.

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