Thursday, December 22, 2016

Doing Christmas Stuff

  I gave in to my Avery and Harper's nagging and we cut out sugar cookies and decorated them.  It took me three days to do of course.  One day to make the cookie dough, one day to bake them, and then finally we got to the decorating phase. Entirely too much frosting and sprinkles were used in the process. 
  Then this last Friday we had our Christmas party at church.  Avery and Harper participated in a little nativity production there.  Harper was the donkey because it was cute and the costume fit she said, and Avery was an angel.  Emery was really excited that she got to meet Santa.  We really don't talk about Santa overly much in our house, but Emery was obsessed once she found out that we would be meeting Santa.  She kept going on about how Santa loved her all day.  She was so happy to sit on his lap.  Luke on the other hand was way too tired to care about Santa, so he's not pictured.

Emery and all the white sprinkles.

Luke and the multi colored sprinkles.

Avery and the red sprinkles.

Apparently Harper is the only one who didn't use a ridiculous amount of sprinkles.

Avery is the angel holding her hands together above her head with the colorful tights on.

Harper is hanging out next to the angels in the grey donkey suit.

Emery's pure look of joy upon meeting Santa.

Avery and Emery with Santa.

Now here is Harper too.

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