Thursday, September 15, 2016

Super Lice

  Last week we discovered that Emery and Avery definitely had lice.  We tried using over the counter lice shampoo, but found that it wasn't totally effective.  It seems we had super lice that have become resistant to the lice shampoos sold without a prescription.  Fortunately someone told us about a lice salon called "Lice Knowing You."  They don't use anything to kill the lice.  Basically they just douse your hair in stuff that makes it easier for them to comb every single nit and louse out of your hair.  A painstaking and expensive process, but well worth it for us.  Everyone had lice except for Daryl, and I couldn't imagine combing through everyone's hair thoroughly enough to get them all and the nits.  It was a little nightmarish and my head still itches.  On Monday though we went in for a recheck, and it looks like the lice outbreak is finally behind us.

This is what Luke's hair looked like after his initial lice treatment.

I was thinking we should do his hair like this more often.  

Here's Emery also looking good after we got our final check.

Luke picked out his shoes and his shirt.  It's a little crazy how much he cares about what he wears.  He changed socks three times one morning.

Yes this guy definitely looks good with his hair all slicked back.

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