Thursday, September 15, 2016

Emery's First Day of Preschool

  Today was the long awaited first day of preschool for Emery.  On Tuesday she went to a little open house for her class where she met her teachers and got to play in her classroom.  On Wednesday she grabbed her shoes in the morning saying she wanted to go on a car ride to preschool.  She was not happy to learn that she would have to wait a day to go to school.  She was excited to go to school this morning, and never looked back when she went into her classroom.  
  Luke also was able to go to the little nursery run by Emery's preschool while she was in class, so for two and a half hours I had no children.  Not that I did anything glamorous.  I took two of my fur babies to the vet.  Next week should be more enjoyable.  I think everyone was happy with the arrangement.  

Luke did not like that I was trying to take pictures without him.

I love this Emery face.  I was really happy that she let me do her hair this morning.  She insists on wearing her shoes on the wrong feet, and don't try to get her to switch them.  

Luke succeeded in making himself part of the picture.  Notice how he is carrying a hair brush around.  He also made me spray his hair with detangler.

I found Emery her little Doc McStuffins backpack she got in on of her pull-up boxes this summer.  When Luke saw her wearing her backpack he ran to find the tiger backpack for himself.

Super Lice

  Last week we discovered that Emery and Avery definitely had lice.  We tried using over the counter lice shampoo, but found that it wasn't totally effective.  It seems we had super lice that have become resistant to the lice shampoos sold without a prescription.  Fortunately someone told us about a lice salon called "Lice Knowing You."  They don't use anything to kill the lice.  Basically they just douse your hair in stuff that makes it easier for them to comb every single nit and louse out of your hair.  A painstaking and expensive process, but well worth it for us.  Everyone had lice except for Daryl, and I couldn't imagine combing through everyone's hair thoroughly enough to get them all and the nits.  It was a little nightmarish and my head still itches.  On Monday though we went in for a recheck, and it looks like the lice outbreak is finally behind us.

This is what Luke's hair looked like after his initial lice treatment.

I was thinking we should do his hair like this more often.  

Here's Emery also looking good after we got our final check.

Luke picked out his shoes and his shirt.  It's a little crazy how much he cares about what he wears.  He changed socks three times one morning.

Yes this guy definitely looks good with his hair all slicked back.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Harper's First Day of School

   Harper finally had her first day of Kindergarten this last Wednesday.  She was so excited, and was ready to go to school for a long time before her actual first day.  She said she had a great first day of class and likes her teacher.  Emery was extremely upset that she was not getting on the bus going to school as well.  Luke was upset that we came back to the house and didn't go somewhere.  

Here's Harper all ready for school.

Here's Luke loosing his cool after Harper got on the bus.  Emery was calming herself down with a nice round of thumb sucking.

Labor Day Weekend Part 2

   On Monday we went up to see Thomas, Ashley, and Ayva and had some lunch together before we had to go back home to catch up on housework.  Ashley was super nice and let Avery and Harper play with perler beads.  The wanted to make Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls.  I love Avya.  She has the best faces.  Especially when she bites into something she'll get this intense look while biting down with all her might.  

Avya giving me her serious face.

A not so serious face.  She is wearing hand me down shoes that I think all my girls wore.  It's always slightly surprising for some reason when I recognize something that she is wearing.

Emery only played with the perler beads for a moment thank goodness.

Avery and Harper working on Bubbles.

Luke and Emery flying together at the park.

Labor Day Weekend Part 1

   Thursday before Labor Day weekend Daryl and I decided that we would go down to Portland for the day on Saturday.  We actually stayed the night in Olympia on Friday, so we wouldn't have to get up quite so early.  Nellie, Paul, and Reagan were in town visiting friends and staying with Brad and DeAnna.  I know Reagan was really glad that we came because the first thing she asked for when she got off the plane were her cousins.  Then she totally cried when we left.  It was too sweet.  DeAnna picked up my camera while we were making smores in the backyard, so there are actually pictures of us this time.  

Luke didn't actually roast his marshmallows.  He would put it on the roaster and then immediately eat it.

Harper taking it easy.

Reagan roasting her marshmallows with Paul and Nellie in the background.

Emery dancing around.

Harper and Reagan being silly together.  Those two were as thick as thieves all day.

Daryl eating a smore.

Avery eating her smore.


It's me not taking pictures.

Luke working on a marshmallow.

Daryl and I awkwardly holding hands.

Luke playing ladder ball.
Avery, Harper, and Reagan

I'm not sure what Reagan was trying to highlight in this picture.
Somehow there were many pictures of Lady on my camera.

Here's a picture with all the girls.  Emery, Avery, Harper, and Reagan

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Avery's First Day of School

  Avery had her first day of second grade today.  She was really excited this morning.  The last twenty minutes before it was time to catch the bus she kept asking if it was time to go to the bus.  Avery made sure to go and pick up our neighbor, Jalen, before going to the bus stop.  She wanted to make sure that he didn't miss the bus.  Avery  was super happy to see that she had the same bus driver from last year.  Her first day was great, and her good friend from last year, Emme, is in her class this year.   

August Leftovers

  Here are a few pictures from August.  We had a great month, and one of the best parts is Emery is now potty trained.  We are all so excited that Emery can go to preschool for sure now.  We had our doubts, but she really pulled through.  It was a great summer, and it is going to be great new school year!

Luke keeps putting on this bow headband.  I love it so much.

Emery and Harper decided that they needed to stuff themselves in this random box.

Emery passed out on the ottoman in the living room the other day.
Dax lounging on Daryl's shoes.  A naturally comfortable spot.