Friday, May 8, 2015

Luke is Six Months Old

  Here we are at half a year of Luke.  It just seems like yesterday I was endlessly waiting for him to come, and now bam it's been six months.  Luke continues to be a pretty happy little guy with only occasional bouts of grumpiness.  He has finally decided to roll over all the time now. He shows no signs of crawling at all, which is fine by me because I don't want him crawling before we move anyway.  Luke also has no teeth and it doesn't look like that is going to change any time soon.  After many reluctant tastes of rice cereal Luke decided that it wasn't that bad when mixed with peaches.  I've never had a baby so unenthusiastic about eating.  The girls always ate like they knew I had been hiding the good stuff from them.  Luke eats, but with a lot of insistent spoon work from me.  He's only fourteen pounds three ounces right now.  I don't know length because we haven't had his check up yet.  He now spends all night in his bedroom that he shares with Emery.  Luke and Emery can more or less fall asleep at the same time when we put them to bed together.  It feels really nice to have our room back.  Luke is such a sweet guy, and the whole family is just in love with this guy.

Finally most definitely bigger than the monkey.

Poor guy has leftover girl toys to play with.  He doesn't seem to mind though.

Luke playing with another girl bunny toy.

Emery wanted to make a monkey sandwich.

Here's some tongue.

Baby close up.

Harper is reading a book to Luke to help cheer him up.  She's also the one that gave him the bunny toy to play with.

Luke eating his lunch of peaches and rice cereal.

I just love this sweet face.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Love these pictures. What a handsome little boy and your adorable daughters.