Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Emery is Three

  Today is Emery's third birthday, but we had her little jump party yesterday evening.  We just invited family and some friends, and had a nice little party.  Emery had a pretty good time.  I did have to go with her on most of the slides though.  At the end she had had a little too much party time, and to have a bit of a quiet time.  She perked up though as soon as cake was mentioned.  Tyler was very sweet when it came time to open up the presents.  He was very good about helping her open things.  There were two birthday cakes because I just picked up two cakes from our local grocery store and one wasn't going to be enough.  Emery noticed there was a second cake at a different table and came over requesting a second piece of that cake in addition to her first slice of cake.  She knows what she likes.

I like that Harper's mouth is open in the middle of a thought.  She actually talks a lot, but her preschool class didn't ever get to see that side of her.

I love Logan and his giant kissy cheeks.

Harper being goofy again.

Angie took Logan down one of the bigger slides and he seemed to approve.

Luke had a great time playing with Karl.

Zander wasn't feeling the bouncing, but he still gave us some great smiles.

Emery was insistent that she have a Minnie Mouse cake, and gratefully accepted that she got a store bought cake with a Minnie Mouse figurine stuck on top.  Also she didn't mind that the toppings were a little funky because Avery and Harper helped bring the cakes from the car and putting them on the counter upside down.

I love how happy Tyler and Emery look in this picture.  Emery had no trouble blowing out her candles.

Avery and Harper having cake.

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