Monday, January 25, 2016

Happy Birthday Harper!

  Sunday Harper turned five years old.  She was very excited about being sung to at Church, and also giving her first talk in primary.  She was very cute.  The whole weekend turned into a long birthday celebration.  On Friday we went to McDonald's, and let the kids play forever there.  Then Saturday I took the kids down to my parents to celebrate there early since Daryl was in school all day.  That night Daryl took Avery and Harper to Red Robin, so Harper could be sung to.  Harper's actually birthday Karl, Aimee, and Tyler were there to celebrate with us.  Daryl's cousin Kyle also was there because Daryl had actually invited Karl and Kyle to watch the NFC championship game not remembering at that time that it was Harper's birthday.  We had a great long birthday weekend.

This is tiny baby Harper.  She was so little, and she still is.

Avery is so sweet.  She made this card and the little flower crayon at school with her OT's help.

Harper had been asking for a plane for her birthday for a while.

Luke snagged Avery's licorice while enjoying birthday cake.

This is the best shot I got of Tyler, Harper, Avery, and Emery with the birthday cake.

We let the kids decorate their cake slices with candy.  Tyler made a goofy face for me of course.

A close up of my wild haired Emery.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I love seeing this stuff! I still can't believe how different all you girls look.