Sunday, February 7, 2016

What We've Been Up To

  These past couple weeks Luke has finally decided that walking full time is the way to go, and now rarely crawls.  I took the kids to the park yesterday, and Luke walked all over the place.  He went probably a quarter of a mile on a trail there and was a real bruiser.  He kept falling down on the black top and catching himself.  Every time he would get up and continue on his way without any tears.  The pictures will illustrate more of Luke's favorite things to do lately, and some other non-Luke things.

Emery has taken to dragging this castle all over the main floor of the house in a bid to play with it away from Luke's loathsome presence.

Our replacement chandelier finally came the other week, and it's beautiful.   

Luke loves playing with the broom, and the other day he was attempting to use it correctly.

This kid is so happy.

Luke discovered that he can throw our stools down and make a terrific crash noise.  He thinks it great!

Here's my guy walking around and eating.  People have always asked if having a boy has been different from a girl, and I've always said no.  Finally have noticed something different.  Luke eats almost non-stop now.  He knows where his food is and will go sit by the cupboard complaining loudly until I get something from it for him.

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