Saturday, November 7, 2015

Happy First Birthday Luke!

  My baby turned one yesterday.  We fall in love with our happy, giggly guy more and more each day.  It's exciting to see his little personality come out, and we are excited to see him grow up.  We had a small party at my parent's house with two of Luke's best baby buddies: his cousin Logan, and his friend Zander. (There parent's came too.)  He thoroughly enjoyed eating his Costco cupcake that stood in for his tiny birthday cake.  
  Luke still only has two teeth, and I don't know how much he weighs or how long he is.  We are going to find that out at his checkup on Monday.  He's not walking yet, but he can stand up unassisted just fine.  He is very, very ticklish, and loves sliding down the stairs with mom or dad.  He is a joy!

Sisko and Luke

Luke walked all over the kitchen with the help of this stool yesterday morning.

Our last monkey picture.

Luke loves to get the broom out and drag it all over the floor.

Playing with Sisko.

The cupcake actually said 12 because it was a Seahawk cupcake, so we took off the 2.  Now it was a 1 year old cupcake.

The aftermath.

Emery inspected Zander in his seat for a while before he left.


Rachael said...

Happy birthday, Luke!!! We need to meet you soon.

Shirley said...

It looks like Luke had a fun birthday.