Sunday, June 29, 2014

Emery's First Birthday

   Yesterday Emery turned one year old.  She is such a joy, and our family wouldn't be complete without her.  Emery's birthday happened to be the day of the early Seafair celebrations here on Alki that included pirates invading our beach to hand out goodies to the kids.  Since we are moving soon we thought we should make sure we do this once while we actually live here in walking distance.  Aimee, Karl, and Tyler joined us for pirate and birthday fun.  Avery was excited to tell Tyler that she loved his "heartbeat."  The kids enjoyed the "dubloons" and the necklaces that we got from the pirates.   They also were having a pole vaulting competition on the beach that we watched for a bit. We got rained on more than a little bit on the way home, but we all survived.
   When we made it back home and dried off we had a birthday supper and some cake.  Avery and Harper had helped me make a chocolate cake for Emery in the morning.  Emery enjoyed her slice of cake in marked contrast to Harper who hadn't discovered the joy of eating by a year old.  Avery though definitely has been the messiest cake eater of them all on the first birthday.  Emery was a tad daintier about eating than Avery.   
  Here's a few things about Emery.  She's not walking quite yet, but she loves to walk around with someone holding onto both her hands.  In fact when she's not busy eating or napping she wants to walk all over with your help.  I've been trying to get her to use her walker, but she thinks that's a terrible idea.  When Daryl helps her walk she will let him only hold one hand; something she won't let anyone else do.  Right now Emery will say "yeah," "uh oh," "ma ma ma," and "da da da."  Emery also will walk on her knees.  She's such a silly girl.  She has two teeth on her top guns that are just showing now.  When they come all the way in she's going to look a little like a vampire.  We just love this girl!

Tyler was going to pull Avery and Harper to Alki in their wagon.  Everyone looks real good.

Tyler getting some Emery love.

The kids watched the pole vaulting for a good ten minutes.  

Here comes the pirates!

The last monkey picture.  Emery's laying on the quilt that her Aunt Aimee made her for her birthday.  It turned out really cute!

I just had to include this picture of Emery on the couch. She sits like this quite often like a tiny couch potato.  I love it.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

She is so cute! Happy birthday, Emery!!!