Tuesday, April 22, 2014


  On the Saturday before Easter Aimee, Karl, and Tyler came over so the kids could dye Easter eggs together.  We also did an indoor Easter egg hunt since it was raining.  They had a great time hunting for eggs and being together as always.  Sunday after Church the girls discovered their Easter baskets waiting for them, and they were very excited.  They loved that they both got a pack of crayons and that they each got a chocolate shaped like a carrot.

Avery, Harper, and Tyler 

The thrill of the hunt!

They were pretty good at helping each other out.

Finding their baskets after Church.

Even Emery got to get in on the Easter candy action.  She enjoyed the mini M&M's.

This is what Avery and Harper actually spent most of Easter Sunday doing.  They filled up both of the sinks in their bathroom and were giving the toys baths and boat rides.

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