Sunday, February 10, 2019

Odds and Ends

   The pictures are backwards, so just deal with it.  The last day of the month Avery and Harper were in their elementary school's production of Annie.  The girls were some of the kids at the orphanage with Annie.  They had a great time and loved it; except I heard that there costumes were scratchy.
     Superbowl Sunday our friends Ben and Christie came with Luke's BFF, Zander.  We had seen earlier in the week that there was a chance of snow, but then the day before my weather app decided that it wouldn't snow after all.  Imagine my consternation when Sunday morning the weather app decided it really was going to snow after all that day.  Fortunately there wasn't too much snow, and Zander, Emery, and Luke were so excited when it started they all went out to play.  At that point I was thinking we would definitely have a late start for school the next day.  There was even more consternation when I awoke Monday morning to see that we got dumped on and there would be no school that day.  Then there was no school the next day because everything had frozen over during the night.

Zander, Emery, and Luke

Daryl made some tasty wings with his smoker for Super Bowl which we actually really didn't watch.  We left on in the other room while we played Dominion.

This is what looked like last Sunday when it started snowing.

This was what I woke up to Monday morning.  
This is what the back porch looked like.  It came out to seven inches.

Luke and Emery were super excited for the snow.

Avery was way more enthusiastic about hugging than Harper was.  

Avery is clutching the pink pillow with the black flower on the left, and Avery is on the right with the white dress and the gold shoes with pink laces.

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