Friday, December 15, 2017

The End of an Era

  At the beginning of this year it was obvious that my cat Fox's best days had been left behind.  On St. Patrick's Day we celebrated his 16th birthday and were quite sure that it would be his last.  He held out until Mother's Day when he fell into a non-responsive state.  I took him into the vet the next day and cried like a baby as we let my ridiculously old cat go up to the big scratching post in the sky.  He lived a very full cat life and was a quiet companion.  I thought he would live forever, but he lived a lot longer than most outdoor cats for sure.

Fox snuggling with Zoe.  They were raised as kittens together and tolerated each other well.

Fox outside where he was happiest.

Fox and Zoe hanging out on their litter box as kittens.  (Ignore the camera date stamp.  It was never set)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

So sorry. Sad times I'm sure