Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

     Avery and Harper were especially excited for Halloween this year.  Avery was talking about it all week.  This morning she was able to wear her costume to school for her little Halloween party in Kindergarten.  She was Princess Leia from Star Wars Angry Birds.  I was surprised that she was not only able to put her jacket on over her puffy costume, but she even wore her backpack too.  Daryl and I took Avery and Harper around our neighborhood trick or treating while Emery held down the fort with my parents.  We ended up being gone for an hour.  One house was all decked out for Halloween with inflatables, spooky music, lights, and fake people in the car in the driveway with a strobe light going.  Avery tried to tell us that Daryl needed to carry her and Harper quite dramatically declared the the house spooky.  I love those two girls!
Avery ready for school this morning.

Emery rocking the ladybug costume.  I put this costume on her took a picture, and then off it came.

Avery and Harper in costume before trick or treating.  Harper is a butterfly.

The sweet candy aftermath.  The girls' scored Capri Suns at one house.

Harper very pleased with her candy haul.

Earlier in the day Emery decided to do some quality assurance tests of baby boy's car seat. I just love how Emery makes herself cozy in random places.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

What cuties in their Halloween costumes!