Avery has been doing a lot of pretending lately. Mostly involving her dolls of course. On this particular day I suddenly noticed that Avery was concentrating a great deal of effort in the dining area, and when I went to see what was going on I had to laugh. She had pulled up every chair she could find to the dining table, and placed a doll or stuffed animal in each chair. Then every toy had a book placed in front of it on the table. I'm not sure if she was trying to teach them, or just making sure they were enjoying themselves with a little light reading.
Harper insisted on being a part of things when she noticed all the activity going on. She just hates being left out. |
Avery with her book stash. |
That is so cute!!
That is so great. She will probably always be interested in books. Diane loved books when she was little and by age 4 could read really well.
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