Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Tyler

  Today our nephew Tyler turns four years old.  The time has just flown by!  Tyler's party was on Saturday though at that bouncy place at the Supermall, and Avery had a blast.  They had their own private bouncy room with three bouncy toys, and by the time the bouncing part of the party was over Avery's cheeks were bright red. She was also uncharacteristically subdued, and she fell asleep in the car on the ride home.  That was one wild party!
Avery and I what was actually a very steep slide.

Daryl bouncing Avery high in the bouncy house.

Avery after all the bouncing. Look how red her cheeks are.

Tyler really likes  green at the moment ergo Chick Hicks from Cars is what he  wanted on his cake.

They had a big inflatable throne for Tyler to sit on in the room where we had pizza and cake.

This is what Harper did for most of the party.

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