It was Halloween tonight, so we took the girls out trick or treating to some of our family in the area. First off we went to Daryl's Aunt Debbie and Uncle Kent's house with Aimee, Karl, and Tyler. After a lovely visit we parted ways, and we went to visit my Mom. Avery went to four houses in Mom's neighborhood, and got a good candy haul. Then we went and visited my brother Adam and his wife Angie. We were done after them. Harper dressed up as a pumpkin because I believe all babies should be dressed up as pumpkins. Avery was Foofa from Yo Gabba Gabba. Daryl was dressed as Jack Black as D.J. Lance Rock from Yo Gabba Gabba, and I dressed up as Leslie Hall, an occasional guest star on Yo Gabba Gabba. Also famous for her Internet gallery of very special sweaters.
Aunt Debbie and Harper. |
Tyler dressed up as Buzz Lightyear for the second year in a row, and Aimee. |
Avery got a Tootsie Pop from Mom's candy. She also really enjoyed holding the flashlight during trick or treating. Probably her favorite part of the whole affair. |
Here's the whole family dressed up. |
Daryl and I doing are dancy dances. |
Baby Harper, and a close up of my bold choice to wear gold leggings for Halloween. |
Angie was a super cute witch. She was hoping to have more trick or treaters than last year, which was five. Sadly, Harper and Avery were only two of her three trick or treaters. The third one was Emry, their good friends Bodie and Casey's daughter. |
For your additional enjoyment, Avery putting on the gold leggings. |