Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Goodbye Leela

Remember this picture? You know what Leela was really doing? She was peeing in the baby blankets, and in the days to follow she started peeing on Avery's bed. Apparently Leela didn't like it when I decided to shut her out of our bedroom. I didn't want to deal with her and a new baby, so the cat lost. Leela is the first cat that wasn't allowed to sleep with me. She was just too needy and kept waking me up at night, so we sent her off to live with her aunt and uncle. Leela is enjoying life at my sister Nellie's house, and now can spend all the time she wants to with my niece Ashlyn in her bedroom. I'm happy to say that she uses her litterbox like a good cat, and is happy there. It's a win win situation.

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