Saturday, January 29, 2011

Harper is Home

After spending a few extra days under observation Harper has come home! She was born on 1/24/2011 at 9:56 am. She was 6 lbs .03 oz and 17 and a half inches long. She is a tiny thing, and the nurses nick named her peanut during her stay. She has redish blond hair and doesn't look a thing like Avery. Everyone agrees she has her mother's nose, but otherwise we don't see ourselves in her which is very different from Avery who was a mini me. (mini Daryl).

Here are pictures for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So I didn't have a baby last week while Daryl was gone which was fine with everyone. In about six months Daryl's vision will settle and he can get whatever kind of eye prescription he needs then. In the meantime he can't wear contacts for the next week, so he has been wearing my glasses a lot since his old glasses don't correct his vision anymore since it markedly improved. Why my glasses work well for him right now is a little bit of a mystery to me since I had worse vision than he did before his eye surgery already. At any rate we will both be glad when he can go to the eye doctor next week to get him some temporary contacts, and I can reclaim my glasses.
Down below I've included this entertaining picture of me 37 weeks pregnant (in other words what I look like now). You can also see how I cut my hair off last month.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was spent with Grandma and Grandpa Layman, Adam, Angie, Brad, and DeAnna. I unfortunately forgot to put the family through the joy of attempting to take family pictures so this is what we got instead. We had a great time and can't wait to see DeAnna again in February with Alex and Addison too! But sadly no Brad :(

Aren't they just adorable?

Brad was a very nice uncle and helped Avery open up her Christmas haul.

This is what Dad pretty much did the whole time we opened presents.

Adam and Angie are helping Avery get set up with the cool keyboard Grandma and Grandpa got her.

Mom looking good on Christmas morning.

Avery loves being pushed around in her baby doll stroller, but does not care for her real stroller that much unfortunately.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent with Namma Diane, Karl, Aimee, and Tyler. After having some yummy food at the Buttered Biscuit in Sumner we came back to our house for Christmas fun. We attempted some family pictures which turned out with only partial success, but they sure are fun!

Got to love our new camera that helped us capture this moment of Avery's frustration.

Tyler has pretty much gotten away and Avery is poised to make her escape.

Now for the most part everyone looks good except for Avery again who was mad that she had to sit with Mom instead of rocking in the chair. What a horrible mother I am.

Avery and Tyler helped make the bed and then snuggled in for some t.v. watching. Tyler thought he could just stay all night there.

Tyler and Avery attacked the gingerbread house and had a good time eating the candy off it.

Monday, January 3, 2011


So a few years a go I was diagnosed with Keratoconus.  It's not life threating or anything, it just means that my eyes are slowly changing shape, into a 'cone'.  It could take years before it becomes serious enough for a surgery, or it could be shorter, or it could even stop progressing.  It effects everyone differently so there is no way to know exactly what will happen to me. So there is a newer treatment available now that stops and can even correct the progression, not with full FDA approval, but it has finished clinical trials and has been approved to be performed at a few places in the US.  (Europe it has full approval).  At any rate my doctor thinks I should do the procedure, it's called Corneal Collagen Crosslinking with Riboflavin.  So this week I am headed off to Beverly Hills, CA to have it while Rachel stays at home with Avery. Hopefully Harper will not arrive while I am gone!   

(severe Keratoconus)