Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bulking Up

Yesterday I came from the doctor to find that Avery had insisted on wearing every piece of clothing she could find in the family room. We just happened to have quite a bit of clothing in the family room because she had opened some birthday presents the night before, and I in my extreme laziness left them on the couch. She has on a dress, a pair of pajamas, another pajama shirt that she had around waist like a skirt, a long sleeved shirt, and then her new Yo Gabba Gabba t-shirt to top it all off. Needless to say she was very warm the whole day.


SSToone said...

That's pretty funny! McKelle hasn't shown much interest in dressing herself. Very cute

Rachael said...

Avery's the cutest. Our kids love yo gabba gabba!