Friday, October 29, 2010

Monkey See Monkey Do

Thought I'd take another monkey picture so you can see the progress Avery has made towards growing up.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Little Late as Always . . . College Road Trip!

Who says you can't go on a college road trip with your pregnant wife and toddler. At any rate Daryl tried to get into his program at UW, but that didn't happen. Time for Plan B: finding a new college. We visited a couple around here and applied to Pacific Lutheran in Tacoma which means we would just stay here. We also decided to apply Washington State, University of Utah, and Arizona State, so Daryl wanted to go visit the campus and do the whole college thing. Off we went to visit University of Utah, BYU, and Arizona State, and see some family too. We visited all my sisters, my brother in St. George, and Daryl's cousin Jennie and her family. Avery got to see all of her cousins on my side and Sophie her second cousin (I think we decided they were second cousins. We had to look it up on the Internet). She had a great time playing with everyone.
Daryl decided that the long shot of BYU wasn't worth applying to, and the other schools were fine. He kind of likes University of Utah slightly better. We have yet to go visit Washington State. Hopefully we'll get over there sometime soon. We did this trip during the first two weeks of October, and I'll be honest all the pictures I took were mostly of Avery, so enjoy the pictures of her and of her sweet cousin Addison. (Oh yeah we'll let you know when acceptance letters role in. So we might live in Utah, Arizona, or the other side of the state for a couple of years, or stay here. Who knows? We don't.)